What a year its been !

We have taken time to reflect on the last year (or two) that we have had and we wouldn’t be able to do that without bringing up the dreaded C word. We feel lucky that with some limitations, mainly delays from suppliers, we have been able to continue designing, building, creating furniture and doing what we love. We have worked on some amazing projects and been busier than ever, perhaps now we have all had more time at home, less holidays, it has influenced the way we value our homes , the way we live in them and cherish the safety and comfort they can bring

With this is mind we’ve seen the continued nod to open plan family spaces, especially kitchen living, a space integral to current living. A big rise in home offices, with more and more of us having to work from home and likely to continue doing so from now on. (we have a sperate post looking at home office spaces in more detail)

We want to thank all our customers for support and

Why Deserts Matter Too

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